Weathered Pianos

Weathered Pianos

This is a project begun originally out of a personal interest in pianos that have been left outside to weather naturally. I have come to enjoy the piano as it weathers and becomes an ever-changing instrument that varies sometimes from moment to moment, making it a new tool for improvisation and sonic exploration.

I will be adding to this web-site information about the various terms and documentation by others that have already taken place since the 1980s. I will also provide links to other artists’ and curators’ websites about their own piano sites and sanctuaries.

Lastly, this website will also serve as a space that will document a series of Weathered Piano Exchanges that was begun in December of 2023. It will follow the project and artistic outcomes of the original exchange as well any new projects and exchanges that extend beyond it.

Nadene Thériault-Copeland